Zeeland National Anthem
In 1919, the Belgian annexationdrive came to the fore. A large group throughout Zeeland felt the need to emphasize the connection with the Netherlands and Orange. The head teacher from 's-Gravenpolder, mr. D.A. Poldermans, wrote the words of a national anthem on which the Middelburg conductor Jan Morks wrote the music.
No more beloved place for us on earth,
No place in the world worth more to us,
Then, where protected by dike and dune,
Smiles to us the fields, forest and garden;
Where always the old Unity lives,
And prosperity 's workmanship crowns work,
where does the Lion sound strong?
"I am brave wrestling and swimming away!"
The country that proudly praises its sons,
And we proudly point out the names,
From Bestevaer and Joost de Moor,
Those shines will last through the centuries;
Of which in the history leaves,
The Evertsen and Bankert stand,
That keeps ever high in honor,
the fearless Naerebout.
You, Zeeland, are our own country,
We do not tolerate a strange hand here,
Who would govern us,
We are faithful to our freedom.
We only have one choice:
'Orange and Zeeland!' that's the slogan!
So we remain with heart and mouth,
With body and soul: good Zeeuwsch well around.